Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Hard Word Spoken Gently

The following is a guest post written, by my lovely wife Sarah. In my estimation it is a hard word spoken gently. My hope is that you would see it the same way.


Though I don’t often speak about it, the weighty complexities of abortion keep me up at night.

There are three images that plague me. The first is the desperate mother. Maybe she is pregnant from rape or incest. Or maybe by her own carelessness or intention. Maybe she desires kids, but not until she finishes college, establishes a career, or gets the gender she wants. However she got pregnant, there may be heavy shame or unwanted responsibility if she has the baby. She is alone, tormented, confused, selfish, desperate. It feels impossible. Voices both inside and outside are deceptively assuring her that to do what’s easiest will be best. The walls are caving in. She doesn’t need a pro-lifer condemning her for considering ending her child’s life. She also doesn’t need a pro-choicer telling her that she has the right to make the choice to murder. She is not just a statistic to add to someone’s political agenda. She needs the arms of Jesus embracing her and the voice of Jesus kindly and firmly telling her the truth that life is sacred and that she is loved and cared for. She does not need a Christian to offer her pity, wish her well, and send her on her way; she needs them to invest in and help her. I’ve never heard a woman say that she regretted having her baby and wish she aborted after all. I have heard women, in the agonizing tears of heartbroken hindsight, say that they would give their own life if they could just undo the abortion they foolishly were allowed to get.

The second is the baby. That little everlasting being who, from the moment of conception (should nothing hinder his natural course), is created and ready to grow into a toddler, child, teenager, adult. That baby, though not sinless, is vulnerable, weak, oppressed, needy, voiceless, naked, poor, and made in the image of the God of heaven.

The final image is the abortionist. Let’s just say it, the murderer. John 7: 24 says, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” Somewhere along the way it became popular, motivated by fear of man and the schemes of the enemy no doubt, to push truth aside so as not to offend, not to judge. But the truth offends the one who has offended Truth. We are not to condemn, but we are to judge with right judgment. And someone who intentionally ends life is a murderer. So is someone who has ever harbored anger in his heart. So there I am the same as the abortionist. But Jesus says stop. He does not condemn, but forgives and commands to sin no more. For the one who refuses, who chooses death over life, who does not humble himself, who continues on in his wicked acts – for him there is a place reserved in hell. These doctors are lying to mothers and making a profit by killing. Their atrocious sins are against a holy God, and they need make no mistake: that sin will find its place in hell or nailed to the cross. The Apostle Paul was a ruthless murderer before the LORD intervened. In these clinics, in these hearts, may the LORD so similarly intervene to save the murdered and the murderer.

And isn’t this what the cross does? Isn’t this what may already be happening in our nation’s current events regarding abortion? The Gosnell case has opened floodgates. There are a lot of corrupt abortion doctors with disgusting and illegal practices. There are also abortion doctors who are functioning perfectly within the limitations of the law. But what Gosnell has caused us as a nation to ask is this: What’s the difference? What’s the difference between the 20-week-old fetus and the 30-week-old fetus? What’s the difference in terminating life inside the womb or outside the womb? I literally cannot keep typing when I think about the details recently exposed – the babies and the mothers who were hurt by Gosnell’s practice and others like it. But in the grief there is hope. Will God do here what He did for Joseph in Genesis 50: 20: “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50: 20, emphasis mine) A generation is silently disappearing at the hands of men who mean evil. Dr. Kermit Gosnell meant evil for selfish gain. But could God mean it for good, that many people should be kept alive? That many will wake up to the truth that there is no difference? That Roe v. Wade will be overturned? That the church will seek out these desperate mothers more effectively? That the mothers will be given more understanding and perspective? That countless scores of lives will be saved?

There is no question that life is a central theme of the Bible. The God of the Bible is the giver, sustainer, and redeemer of life. His heart is that none should perish. He saves and delivers and protects life. Abundant life. Eternal life. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. And so, while this is a complex and intimate issue, it is not a gray area. The hope and goal is life.

Heavenly Father and Righteous Judge,

Would you use these evils to save many lives?

I ask you to bring the unborn forth from the womb and allow them to serve you on this earth. Prepare godly families for them, and prepare good works for them. Use their testimonies for your kingdom purposes. I pray for those born and unborn to find their names written in the Lamb’s book of life.

I pray that your servants and ministers, both heavenly and earthly, would surround these confused mothers and offer them unconditional friendship and the hope of your truth. I pray for them to know Jesus and receive His abundant freedom and blessing. That they might turn their hearts toward you, either for the first time or as a return. Pour out your love and Holy Spirit on them, that they might receive the grace to joyfully trust and obey. Banish the selfishness that drives their decisions. Give them wisdom from on high as to whether they should raise their babies or give them to adoptive parents. I ask that you would allow many babies to stay with their birth mothers, whom you will equip, protect, provide for, guide, sanctify, bless, and perhaps even save through their brave and selfless decision.

I ask for you to grip the hearts of the abortionists. Grip them with the good news of Christ and usher them to repent. Be merciful and forgive. Let them not be deceived. Breathe into the places they’ve gone numb. Bring these doctors into your family, covering the bloodshed they’ve caused with the blood of the Lamb. Cause them to use their skill and qualifications to heal and save lives instead of end them. Destroy the idol of money. Powerfully intervene, and transform these abortionists into vessels of glory who instead spend their days on earth advocating for and preaching life – life for the unborn and life in Jesus Christ the Redeemer.

Give forgiveness and comfort to those who have already aborted. Deliver them from the bondage of the enemy’s guilt and shame. Lift their heads to see and walk with you. Be near to all the adoptive parents, teaching them to intercede without bitterness and equipping them for the beauty and labor of what you’ve put before them. Have your way in and through our political leaders. Lead them on level ground according to your ways. Cause them to abide in you and reflect you in their authority. And please be not silent, be not far from your church. Show her how to be holy, humble, bold, loving, united, kind, wise, compassionate, and gentle agents of truth and justice, who do your bidding in power. Make us ready – mother, baby, abortionist, governor, uninvolved Christian alike – to face you on that final fearsome day of glory.

I praise you, sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, for you are good and your love endures forever, your faithfulness through all generations. Thank you that you see and care for each life and every detail. Thank you that you are near and involved. Oh God, I petition you to remember your promises and your people. Bind up the enemy, shut up his lies, and break heart chains that he has locked within your people. Your light shines in the darkness. The victory is yours, and you are the God of salvation. Your plans will come to pass. Your ways and thoughts are higher than ours. You make all things new. May your holy and consuming fire burn up the wicked and refine the saints. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, perfectly and unhindered. I trust you and profess that you alone are God. My thoughts aren’t new, but they are fervent and heartfelt. I stand at the foot of the marvelous, glorious cross – where innocent murder resulted in the ultimate saving of many lives – and I lift these requests to your throne through the mighty and unfailing love of Jesus.

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